It's Fashionator Time! Back from a beautiful and needed surf trip to Berria with some friends , i'm here with a new post! The change from  hot weather to rainy and freezy Belgium i had to pick out some cozy clothes! I just hate those days where the sun hides and you can spot the clouds everywhere ! I never know what to wear?! FASHION CRISIS  so here is a post what i wear at a freezy august summer days!

To start i searched a cute cosy sweather i also can wear at Autumn with a bikerjacket. I found this off-white knitted sweather at Forever 21 and i just love to wear it! It makes me feel cosy and I immidiately want a hot chocolate from starbucks with it !

Time to pair the cute sweather with an essential piece you should have in your closet! The black jeans ! Not only a normal jeans is important you should have a black one too! These days i'm almost wearing always my black one ! You know what they say once you go black you never come back! 

 Let's Roll on our chuckies! I just hate those days where you can't see the sun but with my converses on my feet i always feel a lot better! It's just like I can rule the world with them on! To seal the deal you can roll up your jeans to your ankles!

Finally i put my hair in a cute messy pony tail ! Pretty easy don't you think? A little mascara and eyeliner and you're ready to enjoy your rainy day with a good movie !

Bye Bye Little Fashionators! I'm gonna enjoy my day with my cute little dog Trixxi see ya later ! 

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