The make up tips you should know

I remember the old years where I stole  make-up of my sister and mother. The moments that everyone had (yes everyone!) where you're face was orange of  way to much foundation and where your theeth were red thanks to the oh so beautiful lipstick of your mom. Now  I still find it difficult to find the right make-up! a moisturizer? C'est qui? ( little bit french you know ). But if you don't follow the difficult terms of beauty and just search some good beauty basics & follow rules  it's easy!

1) Skin Care
It's important to take care of your skin because make-up can damage your precious skin so you have to apply a moisturizer or day cream. It will protect your skin against all the chemical substances. After this step  you can choose a foundation to make your skin smoother and let your uneveness dissapear. Make sure your foundation isn't too dark ( take a sort that is 1 or 2 shades darker). You have to remember that the function of a foundation is to smoothen your face not make it darker!!! There are all sort of foundations so be sure to use the right one. My favorite ones are the liquid ones for the winter and the BB creams for the summer, i like to have light ones on my face you know. Allright almost ready. apply a bronzer on your cheek bones. For this step you may do a duckface! YES YES do the duckface and you'll find your cheekbones easily! End with a concealer under your eyes. Be careful use a light colour!

2) Eye care
Eye liner something sooo important. I always apply a line under my eyes and one above. Don't be scared to make it too thick because there is one little saver everyone has : A cotton bud. Put a little bit water on it and erase the line that is too much. Funny how something stupid can help you so much huh? A little tip for the girls who want to pop their eyes and make them bigger: Add some white eye shadow in the inner corners of your eyes et voilà the boys don't know where to look else than your twinkle twinkle eyes. Finish off with a good mascara. My hint here is to try out some of them and ask your friends which mascara they find good. ( expensive ones aren't always good remember that) . For  eye shadow you can choose yourself , just be sure you have a big brush for you whole eye and a small one for your eye lid.

3) Finish touch
SMILE. You see those cute little cheeks well color them with blush. I use most of the time a peachy colour. Hello don't forget your kissable lips , you can use between lipstick but for basic events like school i use a simple shiny lipstisck. Shall I give you some last tips? Find a cheep bag in the h&m and put some basic make-up things ( lipstick , mascara) in it so you can bring it to school. Everybody knows the make-up disasters when you have walked the whole day and you see in the mirror that uge mascara defaut ?! ( nobody could tell me that ). Final tip : i found a parfum tube where you can put some of your favorite parfume , handy when you see your crush nearby. Spray some parfum et voilà ready to go for that boy!

4) An easy list:
- moisturizer- day cream
- foundation - BB cream
- Bronzer
- concealer
- eye liner
-eye shadow (white)
- mascara
- blush

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