My summer favorites

It's summer Fashionators! Time to take all your cute colourful clothes out of the back of the closet! Spice your nails up with naipolishes that have the funniest names and ofcourse accesories time! 

Here are my summer favorites of 2013 enjoy it and adios fashionators

I just love marc jacobs! And this summer edition from Daisy is just perfect for a day out at the beach !

China Glaze has some cute nailpolishes and this neon colour brights your nails immediately up! 

Peach daiquiri! Peach is one of my favorite colours of this summer so ofcourse i had to buy this Essie! 

A summer without a pair of sunglasses doesn't exist! 

I really fell in love with this pair of sandals i mean they are soooo cute! 
forever 21 

A gift from my friends! handy for a party!!!

The girl who always has inspired me! from the day i saw here on the hills till now ! Her books are amazing!

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